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老边资讯网 2021-10-29 450 10



The meteorolite refers crashes in the ground meteor remnant body, by mineral substance and so on iron, nickel, silicate is composed, also calls the meteor stone.Also refers including lithical many or completely for the lithical meteor.The planetoid in oneself orbital motion, and is having the collision unceasingly, sometimes can dislodge the track to rush towards the Earth, when atmospheric penetration, sends out the light hotly with it friction then is the meteor.When meteor atmospheric penetration, produces the high temperature, the high pressure and the interior are not balanced, then has the detonation, forms the meteorite shower.Burnout has not fallen to the Earth on, has become the meteorolite.


More than 40000 meteorite samples have been collected all over the world, which can be roughly divided into three categories: stone meteorite, iron meteorite and stone iron meteorite. The content of iron and nickel in meteorite is less than or equal to 30%; The content of iron and nickel in meteorite is between 30% - 65%; The content of iron and nickel in iron meteorites is greater than or equal to 95%. In addition, there is a meteorite called“  Glass meteorite "。 It is black or dark green, a bit like stone, but not stone. A bit like glass, but it is a very special glass like material without crystallization. It has a variety of shapes and weighs from a few grams to thousands of grams.


Collection name: Glass meteorite


Weight: 3125g


Features: the air seal is full and magnetic

陨石在高空飞行时,表面温度达到几千度。在这样的高温下,陨石表面融化成了液体。后来由于低层比较浓密大气的阻挡,他的速度越来越慢,融化的表面冷却下来,形成一层薄壳叫“熔壳”。熔壳很薄,一般在1毫米左右,颜色是黑色或棕色的。在熔壳冷却的过程中,空气流动在陨石表面吹过的痕迹也保留下来,叫“气印”。气印的样子很像在面团上按出的手指印。此外还有形状各异的沟槽,叫做熔沟。 熔壳和气印是陨石表面的主要特征

Meteorolite when altitude flying, the surface temperature amounts to several thousand degrees.Under such high temperature, the meteorolite surface melted the liquid.Afterwards as a result of the underlying bed quite thick atmosphere impediment, his speed was more and more slow, the melted surface cooling, formed a thin shell to call “the melt shell”.The melt shell is very thin, about 1 millimeter, the color is generally the black or the brown.Cools in the melt shell in the process, the air transport has blown in the meteorolite surface the trace also retains, calls “to be mad India”.Was mad India's appearance looks like very much on the pasta according to the hand fingerprint which leaves.In addition also has shape each different trench, the named melt ditch. Melt shell friendly India is the meteorolite surface main characteristic.

此藏品为玻璃陨石,重量为 3125g ,陨石通体呈黑色,油亮且有暗光泽,表面融壳上有流纹,下表面为通过高速陨落时与大气层高温摩擦灼烧后的痕迹,其特征明显,为稀奇的不规则整体块状。质地上乘,是难得的稀世珍品,它对天文的研究和探索有着重大的意义,具有极高的观赏价值和收藏价值,日后升值空间巨大,无法估量。

This collection is a glass meteorite with a weight of 3125g. The whole body of the meteorite is black, shiny and dark. There are streaks on the melting shell on the surface. The lower surface is the trace of burning after friction with the atmosphere at high temperature when falling at high speed. Its characteristics are obvious and it is a strange irregular block. High quality, it is a rare treasure. It is of great significance to the research and exploration of astronomy. It has high ornamental value and collection value. There is a huge appreciation space in the future.











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